See us at the Sydney Wooden Boat Festival
Free shipping
Right from the start I’ve offered free delivery in the local area – and what I considered local is anywhere in the greater Sydney region. Thats quite an area, and clearly I was ok about spending time and money to do so. On the other hand, I had this odd…
Propeller trials on SeaEagle kayak
Remote control of Travel 1003
Monkey-Me lithium battery installation
Faster with three-bladed prop
A close encounter with a rock has brought an unexpected benefit for David on his Sea Eagle inflatable kayak. (See the earlier post for details of his setup.) The standard two-bladed prop of the 1003 was damaged irretrievably and as we had a three bladed prop available (as standard on…
Travel 1003 and 801 on Old Town Canoe

These visitors from Universidad Tecnologica De La Zona Metropolitana De Guadalajara are researching alternative means of propulsion for fisherman on a fresh water lake that is the water supply for a Mexican city. The fishermen now use petrol outboards and soon they may longer be permitted to use them because…